Why is January considered 'divorce month'?

Deciding to get divorced is a big decision that for many couples in Kentucky is months or even years in the making. However, when one decides to file for divorce can be nearly as important as the divorce decision itself.

Historically, the month of January sees a spike in divorce filings in the United States. According to the president of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, the amount of people filing for divorce during first three months of the year is more than 30 percent higher than at other times of the year. While this is true regardless of a person's economic circumstances, it is especially noteworthy for high asset couples whose divorces and property division may be more complex.

Why is this so? There may be a number of reasons. For many people the winter holidays, beginning at Thanksgiving and lasting throughout the New Year, are a time for family. People may be loath to divorce at such times for the sake of family unity. This can be a double-edged sword however, if a couple continues to suffer from marital strife during a season that is supposed to be happy.

In addition, it may simply be easier logistically to divorce after the New Year. Many courts observe the winter holidays, with limited hours and court dates available. Because of this, couples filing for divorce may simply to be unable to secure their time in court until after the holidays are over.

Another reason divorces may spike in the beginning of the year has to do with taxes. If a person wants to file singly for the 2015 tax year, their divorce must be finalized by the end of the year. This may be especially important for high asset couples, who have significant amounts of taxable income, assets and exemptions to consider. Due to this, it may be the case that the sooner one files for divorce, the better.

The decision to divorce can be the first step in starting 2015 on a fresh foot. While a high asset divorce takes time to complete, with issues such as complex property division, child custody, child support and spousal support to be considered, it is possible to end a marriage in a fair manner.