Resolving spousal support cases in Kentucky

Last week this blog discussed the various types of spousal support that may be awarded in Kentucky. However, Kentucky statutes do not contain a specific formula regarding how much spousal support should be awarded in any given case. Instead, courts examine a variety of factors when determining what type of spousal support to award, and how much.

The factors involved in resolving a spousal support dispute are varied. Ultimately, it is important for a fair result to be reached that takes into account both party's financial situation and needs, along with each spouse's ability to earn a living. Neither spouse should be put into an untenable financial situation following a divorce. That is why seeking an appropriate amount of spousal support is important.

If a spouse is seeking spousal support, he or she may want to seek legal advice. An attorney can help a spouse evaluate his or her financial situation, in order to pursue an appropriate amount of spousal support. Attorney Winner Law Group, LLC will put his experience to work in helping clients seek spousal support. In some situations a settlement can be reached, while other cases necessitate litigation. Attorney Winner Law Group, LLC has represented clients both in and out of the courtroom in order to reach a resolution.

Legal representation can be vital in resolving a family law case, including cases involving spousal support. Since there are so many factors that go into determining a Kentucky spousal support award, it is important that each side understands the legal process they are facing. Attorney Winner Law Group, LLC's spousal support web page may be of use to spouses seeking spousal support in Kentucky.